What Are The Advantages & Disadvantages of Online Education? Get All You Need To Know Here

“Online learning is not the next big thing, it is the now big thing” - Donna J.Abernathy

Advantages & Disadvantages of Online Education | by ImmersiveLabz | Medium

Online education was an unpopular phenomenon in the past. Today, every other student is enrolled in an online course. The reasons are common, but there are several factors to learning virtually. It is now considered a forerunner of the future and a necessity of the present. The Indian education system has completely embraced online education at all levels. 

At first, it was difficult to accept this change and many of us got uncomfortable with the new setup. Especially for parents and teachers, who were unfamiliar with the concept. No one had a say since the pandemic had another plan for us. Though distance education was still prevalent, you had to appear at the university centre for exams and the correspondence degree was not considered equivalent. In the lockdown period, there was no alternative other than adopting ourselves to the new normal. 

This reminds me of Phyllis Bottome’s words: “ There are two ways of meeting difficulties: either you alter the difficulties or you alter yourself to meet them.” That is what we all did and fired a new way of learning. Despite all the benefits, it lacks the touch of campus experience and in-person classes. We all agree that if online education has advantages, it also has certain limitations. So let’s have a look at it one by one.


Advantages of Online Education 

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Online Training For Businesses

1. Convenience is at the top  - Online education is known for its unparalleled flexibility, particularly for juggling working professionals. You can attend your classes and complete your coursework if it suits your schedule. If there are online classes, you can attend them at home or in your workspace. You can adjust your academic schedule at your convenience without giving up on your job or any other commitment.

2. Less burden on your pocket - Online degrees are much more affordable than their offline counterparts. There’s no commute or accommodation expense which gets added. There are many free online courses which are great for upskilling. Moreover, you can simultaneously earn and let your paycheck cover the education cost.

3.One for the efficiency  - Online education is backed by technology, which has innovative teaching methods. Teachers can use many tools, such as video content, podcasts, etc., in their lesson plans. Online learning pushes teachers to go beyond traditional methods, enhancing efficiency.

4.Suits anyone and everyone  - Be it a fresh graduate, a working professional, or someone from a remote area, online education fits every individual. All you need is a desktop with an internet connection, and you are ready to learn. Furthermore, some prefer to learn through videos, whereas few choose audio learning. Some students are comfortable studying the material at their own pace. For all these unique needs, online education is the answer.

5.Access to international courses - By now, you must have understood that online education knows no geographical boundaries. You can enrol in a course outside your home country online, saving time and money. Studying at an international university is a highly expensive and tiresome process. With online learning, you get a degree from a foreign university and continue with your usual life at home.


Disadvantages of Online Education 

disadvantages of online learning

 1. Lack of face-to-face interaction  - One of the major demerits of online education is the lack of personal touch. In a physical classroom, you can have one-on-one sessions with the teacher and clear your doubts on the spot. In-class teaching leads to healthy discussions among students and activities which help in confidence boosting.

2. Hard to concentrate - Looking at screens for longer periods can be difficult for students. There is also a greater chance of distraction when no teacher is around to check on you. Social media or the activities around your place make it easy to get distracted. Therefore, it becomes challenging for teachers and students to keep a grip.

3. Limited resources and support - When you attend college physically, you can access endless learning resources: libraries, study halls, computer labs, activity clubs, and whatnot. These all contribute to a student's overall development. Online education may or may not access all campus learning resources and facilities.

4. Cannot be disorganised or unmotivated  - Successfully finishing an online course requires time management skills, discipline and motivation. As there is no compulsion to attend daily lectures, students tend to deviate from their schedule. Also, time management is very important if you juggle multiple things. 

5. Chance of technical issues - Technology is a blessing, but it can go wrong at any time. What if you are attending a lecture and your internet stops working or your laptop drains out? Such interruptions are bound to happen, and you can miss an important session.

Long Story Short 

The debate about whether online learning is advantageous or disadvantageous is never-ending. It depends on your interests, needs, financial situation or career goals. Don’t worry about the credibility of online education, it's equally recognised and acceptable as traditional courses. Those who want flexibility or affordability should go for online education. Someone who has yet to complete his/her bachelor’s degree might prefer offline because of the campus experience and other aspects. Thus, only you can decide whether online education is right for you.

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